
My name is Qaasid Bajwa, a freshman at City College. I am currently undecided, but I am aiming to become an electrical engineer.

This site houses my English 21007 work for the 2022 Fall Semester at City College. The pieces of work that are included are the final drafts of the Lab Report, Technical Description, Engineering Proposal, and Self-Assessment Essay.

The Lab Report was the first major paper in English 21007. The assignment made students compare and contrast two different lab reports based on the different components of a lab report. These eight components are the title, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and works cited. My work compares lab reports on shaft voltage and simplified synchronous generators.

The Technical Description was the second major paper in English 21007. For this assignment, students chose an item to describe the components of the item. I chose to do my technical description on an Air Fryer. My paper goes over the background history of an air fryer, and then describes all the components.

The Engineering Proposal placed a heavy emphasis on collaboration. We worked in groups of 4 to create an engineering product. Students were expected to label the design, competitors in the field with the engineering product, a technical description of the product, and a pitch to convince people to buy it. My group created SciBot- an innovative scissor that cuts automatically. The proposal contains all the elements labeled above.

The final major assignment of this class was the Self-Assessment Essay. This assignment asked students to reflect back on the semester, and see how they improved as a writer. Students were expected to answer two questions: To what extent have I achieved the course learning objectives? In what ways have my perceptions on what writing is and does evolved this semester? My paper goes into detail on how I have improved as a writer this semester, and gives insight on the struggles that I faced in this class.

These four assignments are the major assignments in English 21007 for the fall semester.